Mod Installer
The most advanced Pterodactyl Mod Installer created.
100,000+ Resources
24/7 Support
Constant Updates
Full Customization
great feature rich plugin. actively updated and support is fantastic.
Easy to adapt with custom theme panel. Work and Install/Uninstall Button and can watch all version of plugin. Easy to Install. Nice Job for the price !

Version Management

Our addon has full version management telling you which version you currently have installed and giving you the option to update.


Unlike any other plugin installer, our addon also presents you with a list of mod dependencies you can install with one click.

File Manager

When browsing your plugins in the file manager, the icon of the source will display and clicking on it will open the resource page in a new tab.

24/7 Support

We provide 24/7 support for all our products. If you face any issue or have any questions feel free to join the Discord and open a ticket at any time.
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